Don’t hate me

Yes, it has been months since I last created a post. 

Since my last post, life has taken over and I have been very busy with work and the house. 

I will say that it has been a challenge to balance it all, but I am very happy with my results. Becoming less waste has been difficult in the everyday things, but we are becoming minimalists in the house itself. 

It is very American to have “things” and “stuff” everywhere. (I feel like the word “stuff” was created for hoarders)  Getting rid of so much this summer during the two yard sales was very uplifting. However, there was still so much to continue getting rid of. 

  • I donated my art supplies to a local artist who would use them. (Including my art table and easel) 
  • I boxed up sentiments. Including: photo albums, books, photos, etc.
  • I cleaned out my kitchen cabinets and donated to goodwill and made a pile for friends with more valuable things. I also boxed up things I know I will not use. (Even down to spices!)
  • By rearranging my cabinets I was able to minimalize what is on my counter in the kitchen. 
  • The junk drawer became a regular drawer.
  • My nightstand was a catch all, so that got changed also.

There’s still more to do, especially since we are putting the house up for sale. Lots of heavy cleaning and reorganizing. We will be: 

  • Removing our very large old projection TV and replacing it with the other TV that’s smaller and can fit on a piece of furniture.
  • Removing a piece of our sectional couch to make it smaller for perspective 
  • Repainting the kitchen, spare rooms, and bathroom 
  • Getting the carpets cleaned professionally. (Which is cheaper than I expected!)
  • Emptying the crawl space, the garage, the back porch/shed. 

There is a lot of work but it has been going well and there is a difference in the house. 

I will try and update as much as possible. Much love ! 

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